“Что скрыто внизу?” Тайны Левиафана в ранних иудейских апокалипсисах и Мишне Хагига 2:1 By Andrei Orlov
The Heir of Righteousness and the King of Righteousness: The Priestly Noachic Polemics in 2 Enoch and the Epistle to the Hebrews By Andrei Orlov
“The Gods of My Father Terah”: Abraham the Iconoclast and Polemics with the Divine Body Traditions in the Apocalypse of Abraham By Andrei Orlov
The Fallen Trees: Arboreal Metaphors and Polemics with the Divine Body Traditions in the Apocalypse of Abraham By Andrei Orlov
Satan and the Visionary: Apocalyptic Roles of the Adversary in the Temptation Narrative of the Gospel of Matthew By Andrei Orlov